About Our Experience

We provide comprehensive care to our patients. You will get a thorough understanding of your dental issues
and what can be done to help you be in optimal dental health.

Fixing your teeth

An Orthodontic problem is called a malocclusion, meaning “bad bite.” Some of the causes of malocclusion are crowded teeth, extra and missing teeth and teeth that may have erupted in wrong positions or jaws that are out of alignment. Orthodontic treatment can be carried out by braces, which are bonded to the teeth or in simpler cases by wearing a plate.

Tooth Implants

Normally dental implants are titanium screws which can be placed into the jaw bone to replace missing tooth roots. Crowns, bridges and dentures can then be attached to the implants to replace the missing teeth. Dental implants are therefore a treatment option for nearly every patient who needs teeth replaced – from patients who have lost one tooth to patients with no teeth left at all.

Your Smile Matters

Ready for your close up? Our cosmetic dental treatments will have you smiling wide in no time. The ultimate blend of art and dental science; Cosmetic Dentistry is comprised of several dental treatments, including…

We have state of the art Japanese and German dental chairs.


Our Expert Panel of Doctors

Dr. Kanupriya Ahuja - ( Chief Dentist - Conservative Endodontics )

Dr. Tushar Ahuja - ( Chief Dentist - Conservative Endodontics )

Dr. Sumir Gandhi - ( Oral Surgeon & Implantologist )

Dr.Nivedita Bawa - ( prosthodontist )

Dr. Ajit Jaiswal - (orthodontist)

Dr. Dinkar - ( Periodontist)

dr. shekhar - (oral medicine specialist)

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